
We publish statistics on the monetary and financial system which are relevant to our policy and regulatory responsibilities

Data and statistics by theme

Money and credit

Each month we publish statistics on borrowing and deposits by households and businesses from banks and other sources. These statistics are used by our policy committees to understand economic trends and developments in the banking system. The following data and statistics are available:

Quoted interest rates

Monthly data on advertised interest rates for a range of mortgage, consumer credit and deposit products offered to households.

Release dates

  • 6 September 2024 (August 2024 data)
  • 7 October 2024 (September 2024 data)
  • 7 November 2024 (October 2024 data)
  • 6 December 2024 (November 2024 data)
  • 8 January 2025 (December 2024 data)

Effective interest rates

Each month we publish data on effective interest rates. These show average interest rates across households and businesses deposit or loan accounts with UK banks and building societies.

Financial markets, income, and external business

We publish regular statistics on financial markets, Monetary Financial Institutions’ (MFI) income and expenditure, and MFIs’ external balance sheets. These include quarterly data on UK-owned MFIs’ consolidated worldwide claims, and quarterly data on UK resident MFIs’ income and expenditure, financial derivative positions, and claims and liabilities with non-residents. We also publish monthly estimates of capital issuance where UK resident MFIs act as the issuing agents.

Regulatory data

This section includes data on mortgage lending activities, data on levels of capital and risk-weighted assets for the UK banking sector, and credit union statistics. 
  • This report is a quarterly statistical release of aggregated data, produced using PRA regulatory data supplied by UK authorised insurance firms.

    The insurance aggregate data quarterly report and data file are scheduled to be updated on: 

    • 30 September 2024 (June 2024 data)
    • 31 December 2024 (September 2024 data)
    • 31 March 2025 (December 2024 data)
    • 30 June 2025m (March 2025 data)
    • 30 September 2025 (June 2025 data)
    • 31 December 2025 (September 2025 data)
    • 31 March 2026 (December 2025 data)

    This report is an annual statistical release of aggregated data, produced using PRA regulatory data supplied by UK authorised insurance firms.

    The insurance aggregate data annual report and data file are scheduled to be updated on: 

    • 30 June 2025

Option-implied probability density functions

We publish weekly estimates of probability density functions for future values of the FTSE 100 index and short sterling interest rates.

Yield curves

We publish daily estimated yield curves for the UK. We produce three types of estimated yield curves: a set based on UK Government Bonds, a set based on sterling interbank rate (LIBOR) and instruments linked to LIBOR, and a set based on sterling overnight index swap (OIS) rates.

Gold and banknotes

Our data includes how much gold we look after and how many of our banknotes are in circulation.

Data quality

Statistical Code of Practice

The Statistical Code of Practice sets out our standards for the collection, compilation and dissemination of monetary, financial and regulatory data. These standards are similar to the ones used by the UK Statistics Authority.

Data Quality Framework

Definitions of statistical data quality are maintained by international bodies such as the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the European Statistical System. The Data Quality Framework (2014) describes how we interprets statistical data quality concepts in our published statistics.

Cost benefit analysis

In 2005-06 we looked at the balance of costs between reviewing existing statistical outputs regularly and assessing new statistics. We wanted to create more considered assessments but had to balance that with the reporter’s compliance costs. Our approach is explained in the Cost-benefit analysis of monetary and financial statistics (2006). The principle of assessing the balance between costs and benefit when we produce statistics still applies.

What does the Bank of England do also contains useful information about how our data is used.


Please email if you have any enquiries on the statistics above.

Please see the historical version of the website (National Archives) for any statistical releases and articles published prior to 2015.

This page was last updated 15 August 2024