The Sterling Bond Portfolio is an investment portfolio. Income earned on Sterling Bond Portfolio investments is used to grow the Bank of England’s capital base.
There are two main components of the Sterling Bond portfolio, the Free Capital and Reserves and the legacy Cash Ratio Deposit holdings.
The Free Capital and Reserves consists of the Bank’s own capital. Income earned on investments in the Free Capital and Reserves is used to grow the Bank of England’s capital base.
Under the legacy Cash Ratio Deposit scheme, deposit-taking financial institutions (i.e. banks and building societies) placed non-interest bearing deposits at the Bank of England. The scheme has now ended, but income from the residual portfolio is used to offset some of the payments due from financial institutions under the Bank of England Levy. The CRD gilt portfolio will reduce in line with its maturity profile, with over half of the gilts in the portfolio maturing by 2029, and the remainder steadily running off over the following 10–15 years. The Bank does not intend to sell the gilts from the CRD portfolio. While the Bank maintains the discretion to change this approach in the future, any change in approach would as far as possible be communicated well in advance, and ultimately designed to minimise any resulting impact on market functioning and/or conditions.
For more information please see the Bank of England Levy.