
The governors serve as the Bank’s top level executive team, and are responsible, in conjunction with the Bank’s policy committees, for overseeing the fulfilment of the Bank’s mission.


Deputy Governors

Each Deputy Governor is assigned functional responsibility for a particular aspect of the Bank’s work.

Chief Operating Officer

The Chief Operating Officer (COO) has responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the institution, including Human Resources, Property, Technology and Security. The COO has the status and remuneration equivalent to a Deputy Governor.

Past staff

  • Term Governor
    2013-2020 Mark Carney
    2003-2013 Mervyn King
    1993-2003 Edward George
    1983-1993 Robin Leigh-Pemberton
    1973-1983 Gordon Richardson
    1966-1973 Leslie O’Brien
    1961-1966 Rowland Baring (3rd Earl of Cromer)
    1949-1961 Cameron Cobbold
    1944-1949 Thomas Catto
    1920-1944 Montagu Norman
    1918-1920 Brien Cokayne
    1913-1918 Walter Cunliffe
    1911-1913 Alfred Cole
    1909-1911 Reginald Johnston
    1907-1909 William Campbell
    1905-1907 Alexander Wallace
    1903-1905 Samuel Morley
    1901-1903 Augustus Prevost
    1899-1901 Samuel Gladstone
    1897-1899 Hugh Smith
    1895-1897 Albert Sandeman
    1892-1895 David Powell
    1889-1892 William Lidderdale
    1887-1889 Mark Collet
    1885-1887 James Currie
    1883-1885 John Gilliat
    1881-1883 Henry Grenfell
    1879-1881 John Birch
    1877-1879 Edward Palmer
    1875-1877 Henry Gibbs
    1873-1875 Benjamin Greene
    1871-1873 George Lyall
    1869-1871 Robert Crawford
    1867-1869 Thomas Hunt
    1865-1867 Henry Holland
    1863-1865 Kirkman Hodgson
    1861-1863 Alfred Latham
    1859-1861 Bonamy Dobree
    1857-1859 Sheffield Neave
    1855-1857 Thomas Weguelin
    1853-1855 John Hubbard
    1851-1853 Thomson Hankey Jnr
    1849-1851 Henry Prescott
    1847-1849 James Morris
    1847 (Apr-Aug) William Robinson
    1845-1847 John Heath
    1842-1845 William Cotton
    1841-1842 John Pelly
    1839-1841 John Reid
    1837-1839 Timothy Curtis
    1834-1837 James Pattison
    1833-1834 Richard Raikes
    1830-1833 John Palmer
    1828-1830 Samuel Drewe
    1826-1828 John Richards
    1824-1826 Cornelius Buller
    1822-1824 John Bowden
    1820-1822 Charles Pole
    1818-1820 George Dorrien
    1816-1818 Jeremiah Harman
    1814-1816 William Mellish
    1812-1814 William Manning
    1810-1812 John Pearse
    1808-1810 John Whitmore
    1806-1808 Beeston Long
    1804-1806 Benjamin Winthrop
    1803-1804 Joseph Nutt
    1801-1803 Job Matthew
    1799-1801 Samuel Thornton
    1797-1799 Thomas Raikes
    1795-1797 Daniel Giles
    1793-1795 Godfrey Thornton
    1791-1793 Samuel Bosanquet
    1789-1791 Mark Weyland
    1787-1789 Edward Darell
    1785-1787 George Peters
    1783-1785 Richard Neave
    1781-1783 William Ewer
    1779-1781 Daniel Booth
    1777-1779 Peter Gaussen
    1775-1777 Samuel Beachcroft
    1773-1775 James Sperling
    1771-1773 Edward Payne
    1769-1771 William Cooper
    1766-1769 Matthew Clarmont
    1764-1766 John Weyland
    1762-1764 Robert Marsh
    1760-1762 Bartholomew Burton
    1758-1760 Merrik Burrell
    1756-1758 Matthews Beachcroft
    1754-1756 Charles Palmer
    1752-1754 Alexander Sheafe
    1749-1752 William Hunt
    1747-1749 Benjamin Longuet
    1745-1747 Charles Savage
    1743-1745 William Fawkener
    1741-1743 Stamp Brooksbank
    1740-1741 Delillers Carbonnel
    1737-1740 Thomas Cooke
    1735-1737 Bryan Benson
    1733-1735 Horatio Townshend
    1731-1733 Edward Bellamy
    1729-1731 Samuel Holden
    1727-1729 Humphry Morice
    1725-1727 William Thompson
    1723-1725 Gilbert Heathcote
    1721-1723 Thomas Scawen
    1719-1721 John Hanger
    1717-1719 Gerard Conyers
    1715-1717 Peter Delme
    1713-1715 John Rudge
    1711-1713 Nathaniel Gould
    1709-1711 Gilbert Heathcote
    1707-1709 Francis Eyles
    1705-1707 James Bateman
    1703-1705 Abraham Houblon
    1701-1703 John Ward
    1699-1701 Nathaniel Tench
    1697-1699 William Scawen
    1694-1697 John Houblon
  • Term Deputy Governor
    2024- Clare Lombardelli
    2023- Sarah Breeden
    2017- Dave Ramsden
    2017 (Mar-Apr) Charlotte Hogg
    2016- Sam Woods
    2014-2017 Nemat (Minouche) Shafik
    2014-2024 Ben Broadbent
    2013-2023 Jon Cunliffe
    2013-2016 Andrew Bailey
    2009-2013 Paul Tucker
    2008-2014 Charles Bean
    2006-2009 John Gieve
    2003-2008 Rachel Lomax
    2002-2006 Andrew Large
    1998-2003 Mervyn King
    1997-2002 David Clementi
    1995-1997 Howard Davies
    1993-1995 Rupert Pennant-Rea
    1990-1993 Edward George
    1986-1990 George Blunden
    1980-1986 Christopher McMahon
    1970-1980 Jasper Hollom
    1966-1970 Maurice Parsons
    1964-1966 Leslie O'Brien
    1954-1964 Humphrey Mynors
    1949-1954 Dallas Bernard
    1945-1949 Cameron Cobbold
    1936-1945 Basil Catterns
    1929-1936 Ernest Harvey
    1927-1929 Cecil Lubbock
    1926-1927 Henry Trotter
    1925-1926 Alan Anderson
    1923-1925 Cecil Lubbock
    1920-1923 Henry Trotter
    1918-1920 Montagu Norman
    1915-1918 Brien Cokayne
    1913-1915 Robert Newman
    1911-1913 Walter Cunliffe
    1909-1911 Alfred Cole
    1907-1909 Reginald Johnston
    1907 Edgar Lubbock
    1905-1907 William Campbell
    1903-1905 Alexander Wallace
    1901-1903 Samuel Morely
    1899-1901 Augustus Prevoat
    1897-1899 Samuel Gladstone
    1895-1897 Hugh Smith
    1894-1895 Albert Sandeman
    1892-1894 Clifford Wigram
    1889-1892 David Powell
    1877-1889 William Lidderdale
    1885-1887 Mark Collet
    1883-1885 James Currie
    1881-1883 John Gilliat
    1879-1881 Henry Grenfell
    1877-1879 John Birch
    1875-1877 Edward Palmer
    1873-1875 Henry Gibbs
    1871-1873 Benjamin Greene
    1869-1871 George Lyall
    1867-1869 Robert Crawford
    1865-1867 Thomas Hunt
    1863-1865 Henry Holland
    1861-1863 Kirkman Hodgson
    1859-1861 Alfred Latham
    1857-1859 Bonamy Dobree
    1855-1857 Sheffield Neave
    1853-1855 Thomas Weguelin
    1851-1853 John Hubbard
    1849-1851 Thomson Hankey
    1847-1849 Henry Prescott
    1847 James Morris
    1845-1847 William Robinson
    1842-1845 John Heath
    1841-1842 William Cotton
    1839-1841 John Pelly
    1837-1839 John Bart
    1834-1837 Timothy Curtis
    1833-1834 James Pattison
    1832-1833 Richard Raikes
    1830-1832 Andrew Thomson
    1828-1830 John Palmer
    1826-1828 Samuel Drewe
    1824-1826 John Richards
    1822-1824 Cornelius Buller
    1820-1822 John Bowden
    1818-1820 Charles Pole
    1816-1818 George Dorrien
    1814-1816 Jeremiah Harman
    1812-1814 William Mellish
    1810-1812 William Manning
    1808-1810 John Pearse
    1807-1808 John Whitmore
    1806-1807 Brook Bart
    1804-1806 Beeston Long
    1802-1804 Benjamin Winthorpe
    1801-1802 Joseph Nutt
    1799-1801 Job Mathew
    1797-1799 Samuel Thornton
    1795-1797 Thomas Raikes
    1793-1795 Daniel Giles
    1791-1793 Godfrey Thornton
    1789-1791 Samuel Bosanquet
    1787-1789 Mark Weyland
    1785-1787 Edward Darell
    1783-1785 George Peters
    1781-1783 Richard Neave
    1779-1781 William Ewer
    1777-1779 Daniel Booth
    1776-1777 Peter Gaussen
    1775-1776 James Langston
    1773-1775 Samuel Beachcroft
    1771-1773 James Sperling
    1769-1771 Edward Payne
    1768-1769 William Cooper
    1766-1768 Samuel Fludyer
    1764-1766 Matthew Clarmont
    1762-1764 John Weyland
    1760-1762 Robert Marsh
    1758-1760 Bartholomew Burton
    1756-1758 Merrick Burrell
    1754-1756 Mathews Beachcroft
    1752-1754 Charles Palmer
    1750-1752 Alexander Sheafe
    1749-1750 Benjamin Lethieullier
    1747-1749 William Hunt
    1745-1747 Benjamin Longuet
    1743-1745 Charles Savage
    1740-1743 William Fawkener
    1740-1741 Stamp Brookbank
    1738-1740 Delillers Carbonnel
    1737-1738 Gould Nathaniel
    1735-1737 Thomas Cooke
    1733-1735 Bryan Benson
    1732-1733 Horatio Townsend
    1731 John Olmius
    1729-1731 Edward Bellamy
    1727-1729 Samuel Holden
    1725-1727 Humphry Morice
    1723-1725 William Thompson
    1721-1723 Josiah Diston
    1719-1721 Thomas Scawen
    1717-1719 John Hanger
    1715-1717 Gerald Conyers
    1713-1715 Peter Delme
    1711-1713 John Rudge
    1709-1711 Nathaniel Gould
    1707-1709 William Bouverie
    1705-1707 Francis Eyles
    1703-1705 James Bateman
    1701-1703 Abraham Houblon
    1699-1701 John Ward
    1697-1699 Nathaniel Tench
    1695-1697 William Scawen
    1694-1695 Michael Godfrey
This page was last updated 28 June 2024