Gross Domestic Product Real-Time Database

The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee analyses a wide variety of data to inform its monetary policy decision. Some of these data are revised over time, and taking account of possible revisions is an important part of assessing any data release. 

In attempting to improve our understanding of how data are revised, we have constructed a real-time database that contains successive sets of data for a range of macroeconomic time series.

The main body of the database contains monthly vintages of data published since January 1990. Each vintage shows the data available on the last working day of the month. For a subset of the real expenditure variables, a longer history of quarterly vintages is also available.

The database is available in Microsoft Excel format. It is updated every year following the publication of the ONS Blue Book. It was last updated in November 2016. Every effort has been made to ensure this information is correct but we cannot in any way guarantee its accuracy and you use it entirely at your own risk.

The 'read me' workbook details the available dataset. The data themselves can be found in the other workbooks. They all contain a 'menu' worksheet that lists the data available therein. Other worksheets contain successive vintages of data for individual series. Each vintage is a separate column, with the oldest vintage of data on the far left and the most recent vintage on the far right. At the top of each column is the publication date (i.e. the month in which that vintage was published).

This page was last updated 31 January 2023