There are two main sets of data published by the Bank in relation to the APF:
The results of APF purchase and sale operations
These are updated after each asset sales operation to show sales proceeds and nominal data. Initial purchase proceeds and nominal data is also available for past asset purchase operations.
The APF’s gilt purchase operational results include total allocation in both initial purchase proceeds and nominal figures in columns F and G respectively. The gilt sales operational results include total allocation in both sales proceeds and nominal figures in columns G and H respectively.
The ‘current stock of holdings’ within the APF
The latest stock of holdings are published via the Bank’s online interactive database, providing the overall value of assets held within the APF for both gilts Opens in a new window and corporate Opens in a new window bonds.
What does ‘current stock of holdings’ mean?
Each Thursday, the Bank publishes updated stock of holdings figures in initial purchase proceeds. This figure represents the sum of assets purchased, minus any maturities, redemptions or sales to date. It is reported on a settlement date basis as of close of business the previous working day (usually a Wednesday).
The stock of holdings is a critical data point for the APF, acting as the primary way APF sales targets are set by the MPC. For example, in September 2023, the MPC agreed that the stock of UK government bond purchases should be reduced by £100 billion over the 12-month period from October 2023 to September 2024.
Diagram 1: Stylised calculation of APF stock of holdings figures.
Please Note: In Diagram 1 above, the ‘maturities’ and ‘sales’ boxes reflect the initial purchase proceeds of that asset (the amount of reserves initially created to fund the purchase of the asset which is maturing or has been sold) and the stock of holdings figure will reduce by this amount. They do not reflect either the cash paid to the APF at the point of sale or upon maturity of an asset. As the size of the APF’s purchases were always measured in the amount of money used during the period of asset purchases, both sales and maturities must be measured in the same way using initial purchase proceeds.
Results and Usage – current stock of holdings
This page contains the stocks of holdings figures for gilts as shown above in the blue banner. These are updated weekly and are in initial purchase proceeds.
Bank of England database – current stock of holdings
The Bank also publishes the following data timeseries on the current stock of assets within the APF on a weekly basis:
Please note: Any ‘stock of holdings’ figure can only be given in either initial purchase proceeds or in nominal figures. It cannot be represented in sales proceeds as the total portfolio has not been unwound.
Any disparities between the purchase proceeds and sales/maturity proceeds of any APF asset will be reconciled in accordance with the APF indemnity. For further information on cash transfers between the APF and HM Treasury Opens in a new window.
[1] The nominal value of gilts in the APF can be found in column C of this spreadsheet.