- Contact us
- Noteworthy women
- Archive gallery
- Artworks
- Banknotes
Museum blog
- A 1927 Christmas Gift Guide
- A Cash Transaction: Contact and Connecting
- A Story of Archival Discovery: The Bank of England and the Grenada Plantations
- Amelia Newsham: A transatlantic journey
- Archaeology at the Bank of England
- As good as gold: the value of gold over time
- 'Bank' Junction: Heart of the City
- Banking on a good film: The Bank of England in movies
- The banknote that never was: Stephen Gooden and the forgotten banknotes
- Beginning the exhibition: Slavery & the Bank
- The making of ‘The Future of Money’: behind-the-scenes of our new exhibition
- Beyond the Pardner Hand - how else did Caribbeans manage their money?
- Black History through Time at the Bank of England Museum
- Cartoons, from caricatures to Christmas
- Christopher Wren and the £50 Banknote
- Coins and Colonisation
- Community savings and the Pardner Hand
- Crowning glories from the Bank’s collections
- Dangerous objects in our collections
- Defaced! Money, Conflict, Protest
- Does money grow on trees?
- Fierce Britannia
- Humphry Morice: slave trader, embezzler of the Bank
- In search of virtuous bankers
- Inimitable notes: The quest for the perfect banknote
- Small, but perfectly formed: an interest calculation book from 1700
- International Beer Day
- James Gillray: Drawing from the Economy
- Lasting Legacies: Reminders of Slavery around the UK
- Leading Ladies: Female firsts at the Bank of England
- Marking the Bank of England’s links to transatlantic slavery
- Money games: Learning through play
- Operation Bernhard
- Our earliest Bank of England note
- Picture the Artists
- Picturing the Thames Tunnel
- Platinum-grade portraits: Exploring Elizabeth II’s image on banknotes throughout her reign
- Queen Victoria, Alfred Bosco, and the Bank of the Great Wizard of the World
- Reflections on Slavery & the Bank
- St Christopher and the Bank of England
- The bank of elegance
- The Bank of England’s architects and architecture
- The Birmingham Special
- The great iron chest: a safe as safe as the Bank of England...
- The Life and Times of Sir Brook Watson
- The Old Lady of the skies
- The Pardner Hand and Black entrepreneurship in the UK
- The Trial of Pyx: Testing the purity of gold
- Top 5 new objects of 2022
- Why was the Bank of England founded?
- Women, the Bank of England, and the Second World War
- The world’s first central bank and the invention of banknotes
- Online talks
- Past exhibitions
- Plan your visit
- Bank of England museum - how we use your information
What's on
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- Architecture walking tours
- Summer holidays: Decoding the Bank of England
- Eggs-quisite Easter crafts
- Lunchtime tour: The Future of Money
- May half-term: Brilliant banknotes
- Museum late: Archaeology
- Museum late: Architecture
- Museum Late: The Bank of England and transatlantic slavery
- Museum Late: the Christmas special!
- Museum late: Learning through games
- Museum late: The Beauty of banknotes
- Museum Late: Parliament and the Bank of England
- Roman London family quest
- Royal Mint engraving workshop
- Saturday opening: Lord Mayor’s Show
- Museum late: secrets, spies, and the Second World War
- The lost River Walbrook walking tour
- World Sight Day audio-described tour
- Easter Trails and Toad-tastic Tales
- February half-term: Inside the Picture
- Lunchtime talk: Germany’s first common currency: What drove unification?
- Introductory talks: The Bigger Picture
- Museum late: Fashion, Empire, and Finance
- Museum late: The Phillips Machine: money in full flow
- Online lunchtime talk: Paisley shawls in Victorian Britain
- The Bigger Picture: Dividend Day at the Bank of England
- Pardner Hand: A Caribbean answer to British banking exclusion
- Slavery & the Bank
- The Future of Money
- Bacolet and Chemin Inventory 1788 transcription (pdf 0.4MB)
- Banking on Birmingham (pdf 4.4MB)
- Colour the seasons - family activity (pdf 1.7MB)
- The Future of Money - Data and Privacy (pdf 0.5MB)
- Discover the Bank (12 to 14 years) (pdf 0.2MB)
- The Future of Money - Education, Environment, Sustainability (pdf 0.8MB)
- Explore the Bank (5 to 7 years) (pdf 0.2MB)
- The Future of Money - Future methods of payment (pdf 0.6MB)
- The Future of Money - Futureproofing today's systems (pdf 0.6MB)
- I spy in the Bank (up to 5 years) (pdf 0.2MB)
- Investigate the Bank (8 to 11 years) (pdf 0.2MB)
- Money and the bank of england - resources and activities for primary schools (pdf 0.5MB)
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- Museum visual story (pdf 2.4MB)
- Key Stage 4 History: the experience of Caribbean migrants (docx 0.3MB)
- HMT Empire Windrush colouring sheet (docx 0.6MB)
- Key stage 3 English: reading critically and referring to evidence in a text (docx 0.2MB)
- Key Stage 2 History: Experiences of the Windrush Generation (docx 0.1MB)
- Key stage 2: Pardner Hand Museum activity sheet (docx 0.1MB)
- Key stage 3: Pardner Hand Museum activity sheet (docx 0.9MB)
- Picture the City - kids trail (pdf 9.7MB)
- Slavery & the Bank: Large print guide (pdf 0.3MB)
- slavery-and-the-bank-loan-box-service
- stem-pioneers-loan-box
- The Future of Money: Large print guide (pdf 1MB)
- Large Group Resource: The Transatlantic Slave Trade, a Legacy of Inequality in the UK (pdf 20.4MB)
- Small Group Resource: The Transatlantic Slave Trade, a Legacy of Inequality in the UK (pdf 20.4MB)
- Understand the Bank (15 to 17 years) (pdf 0.2MB)
- The Future of Money - What is money? (pdf 0.7MB)