- Corporate responsibility
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Citizens’ Forum
- Cara Peters: Citizens’ Forum member
- Emma Young: Citizens’ Forum member
- The cost of living squeeze: insights from the Bank of England’s outreach programmes
- Nick Chenery: Citizens’ Forum member
- Stephen Gregson: Citizens’ Forum Member
- The UK economy during Covid-19: insights from the Bank of England's Citizens' Panels
- The UK economy: Insights from the Bank of England’s Citizens’ Panels
- Your voice 2024: insights from the Bank of England’s outreach programmes
- Community forums
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- Flagship seminars
- Future Forum 2018: the highlights
- Insights Forum
- Youth voice
Citizens’ Forum
Governance and funding
- Acting with integrity
- Correspondence with Parliamentary Committees
- Conflicts of interest and the Financial Market Infrastructure Committee
- Conflicts of interest and the Financial Policy Committee
- Internal audit charter
- Bank of England Levy
- Conflicts of interest and the Monetary Policy Committee
- Conflicts of interest and the Prudential Regulation Committee
- Governance of the Bank of England's balance sheet: principles of engagement
- Social media community guidelines
Staff codes and policies
- Community and charity roles
- Declaration of secrecy
- Directorships
- Entertainment and gifts
- Financial relationships
- Internal whistleblowing
- Other employment policy
- Our Code
- Personal financial transactions policy
- Personal relationships
- Political activities
- Privacy notice for recording and transcription using MS Teams
- Senior Managers Regime
- Travel and expenses
- BoE’s undertakings regarding tax obligations year-end 28 Feb 2025
- Gwybodaeth Iaith Gymraeg ar Wefan y Bank of England
- History
Our people
- afua-kyei
- adam-mcgeoch
- alex-golledge
- alison-stuart
- andrew-holder
- daniel-amure
- florence-hubert
- frances-hill
- gareth-harrison
- gillian-anderson
- glynn-jones
- graeme-chaplin
- iain-duff
- ian-derrick
- Jamie Barber
- jamie-jordan
- ken-clark
- kieran-dent
- lai-wah-co
- lorna-pringle
- lydia-reid
- malindi-myers
- mauricio-armellini
- patrick-campbell
- paul-mount
- rob-elder
- rosie-smith
- stephen-hicks
- william-dowson
- alan-taylor
- andrea-enria
- andrew-bailey
- anne-glover
- antony-jenkins
- Banknote Character Advisory Committee
- ben-martin
- ben-stimson
- carolyn-wilkins
- catherine-mann
- charlotte-gerken
- Chief Cashiers
- clare-lombardelli
- colette-bowe
- Court of Directors
- david-bailey
- david-ramsden
- david-roberts
- david-rule
- david-soanes
- diana-noble
- duncan-mackinnon
- Executive Directors
- Financial Policy Committee
- Financial Market Infrastructure Committee
- frances-ogrady
- gareth-truran
- Governors
- gwyneth-nurse
- huw-pill
- james-bell
- james-benford
- james-talbot
- jane-cathrall
- jill-may
- jitesh-gadhia
- joanna-hill
- john-taylor
- jonathan-bewes
- jonathan-hall
- Julia Black
- liz-oakes
- marjorie-ngwenya
- martin-pluves
- megan-greene
- melissa-davey
- Monetary Policy Committee
- nathan-monk
- nathanael-benjamin
- niamh-moloney
- nikhil-rathi
- alex-brazier
- andrew-gracie
- andrew-hauser
- andy-haldane
- anil-kashyap
- anna-sweeney
- anthony-habgood
- ben-broadbent
- bradley-fried
- charles-randell
- charlie-bean
- charlotte-hogg
- chris-salmon
- christina-segal-knowles
- Christopher Woolard
- clara-furse
- dave-prentis
- david-belsham
- david-miles
- david-thorburn
- dido-harding
- don-robert
- donald-kohn
- dorothy-thompson
- elisabeth-stheeman
- gareth-ramsay
- gertjan-vlieghe
- hanneke-smits
- iain-cornish
- ian-mccafferty
- james-proudman
- jenny-scott
- joanna-place
- john-footman
- jon-cunliffe
- jonathan-curtiss
- jonathan-haskel
- kristin-forbes
- lea-paterson
- lyndon-nelson
- mark-carney
- mark-yallop
- martin-taylor
- martin-weale
- michael-saunders
- minouche-shafik
- norval-bryson
- oliver-tweedie
- paul-fisher
- richard-sharp
- rob-elsey
- rommel-pereira
- sandy-boss
- Silvana Tenreyro
- sushil-saluja
- tim-frost
- Prudential Regulation Committee
- randall-kroszner
- rebecca-jackson
- ron-kalifa
- ruth-smith
- sabine-chalmers
- sam-woods
- sarah-breeden
- sarah-john
- sasha-mills
- sebastian-walsh
- sonya-branch
- stephen-brown
- swati-dhingra
- tanya-castell
- tom-shropshire
- victoria-cleland
- victoria-saporta
- vivienne-grafton
- Central Southern agency privacy notice (pdf 0.1MB)
- North West agency privacy notice (pdf 0.1MB)
- Bank of England Out and Proud Charter (pdf 0.1MB)
- Bank of England staff pension privacy statement (pdf 0.3MB)
- Bank and ONS Firm Agreement (pdf 0.6MB)
- Bank of England regional agencies events management privacy notice (pdf 0.1MB)
- Digwyddiadau Asiantaethau Rhanbarthol Bank of England Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd Rheolaeth - Hydref 2022 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Bank of England Levy - Terms and conditions (pdf 0.2MB)
- Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg y Bank of England (y Banc) (pdf 0.3MB)
- Carbon reduction statement (pdf 0.4MB)
- Carbon Trust validation letter (pdf 0.4MB)
- fmic
- fpc
- Go4Gold Disability Action Plan (pdf 0.1MB)
human resources
- Apprenticeship report (pdf 0.1MB)
- Principles and guidelines for the Bank’s support of charities and the community (pdf 0.2MB)
- COVID-19 Risk Assessment (pdf 0.5MB)
- Information Security Classification Scheme - External users (pdf 0.2MB)
- Our Code 2024 (pdf 0.6MB)
- The Bank of England Pension Fund (pdf 1MB)
- Personal Relationships Policy (pdf 0.4MB)
- Records Classification Scheme (pdf 0.1MB)
- Declaration of Secrecy (pdf 0.1MB)
- Current Employment Policies (pdf 0.4MB)
- Bank of England Staff Pension Fund - Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) (pdf 0.2MB)
- legislation
- mpc
- afua-kyei
- alan-taylor
- andrea-enria
- Andrew Bailey's Annual Report 2024 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Andrew Bailey - diary from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Andrew Bailey - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Andrew Bailey - summary of expenses from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.9MB)
- Andrew Bailey CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Andrew Bailey - Questionnaire 2020 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Andrew Bailey - Questionnaire 2013 (pdf 0.3MB)
- anne-glover
- Antony Jenkins CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Antony Jenkins CV 2024 (pdf 0.6MB)
- Antony Jenkins - diary from 2021 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Antony Jenkins - entertainment and gifts from 2021 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Antony Jenkins - Questionnaire (pdf 0.2MB)
- Antony Jenkins Questionnaire 2024 (pdf 0.8MB)
- Antony Jenkins - summary of expenses from 2021 Q1 (pdf 0.6MB)
- Ben Broadbent's Annual Report 2012 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent's Annual Report 2013 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent's Annual Report 2016 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent's Annual Report 2018 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben broadbent's Annual Report 2021 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent's Annual Report 2024 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent - CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent - CV - 2019 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent - diary from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent - Questionnaire 2011 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent - Questionnaire 2014 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Ben Broadbent - Questionnaire 2019 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ben Broadbent - summary of expenses from 2019 Q1 (pdf 0.8MB)
- ben-stimson
- carolyn-wilkins
- Catherine L Mann's Annual Report 2023 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Catherine L Mann - diary from 2021 Q3 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Catherine L Mann - entertainment and gifts from 2021 Q3 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Catherine L Mann - summary of expenses from 2021 Q3 (pdf 0.9MB)
- Catherine Mann CV (pdf 0.5MB)
- Catherine Mann - TSC questionnaire (pdf 0.7MB)
- charlotte-gerken
- clare-lombardelli
- colette-bowe
- court-of-directors
- Sir Dave Ramsden's Annual Report 2019 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sir Dave Ramsden's Annual Report 2020 (pdf 0.5MB)
- Sir Dave Ramsden's Annual Report 2021 (pdf 0.5MB)
- Sir Dave Ramsden's Annual Report 2023 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Sir Dave Ramsden - CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Dave Ramsden - diary from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Dave Ramsden - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sir Dave Ramsden - Questionnaire 2017 (pdf 0.5MB)
- David Ramsden - summary of expenses from 2019 Q1 (pdf 0.9MB)
- david-bailey
- david-roberts
- david-rule
- david-soanes
- diana-noble
- duncan-mackinnon
- frances-ogrady
- gareth-truran
- huw-pill
- james-bell
- james-benford
- james-talbot
- jane-cathrall
- jill-may
- jitesh-gadhia
- joanna-hill
- John Taylor - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q4 (pdf 0.1MB)
- John Taylor CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- John Taylor CV - January 2024 (pdf 0.1MB)
- John Taylor - diary from 2020 Q4 (pdf 0.1MB)
- John Taylor - Questionnaire (pdf 0.2MB)
- John Taylor Questionnaire - January 2024 (pdf 0.3MB)
- John Taylor - summary of expenses from 2020 Q4 (pdf 1MB)
- jonathan-bewes
- Jonathan Hall CV 2020 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Jonathan Hall CV 2023 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Jonathan Hall - diary from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Jonathan Hall - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Jonathan Hall - Questionnaire 2020 (pdf 0.7MB)
- Jonathan Hall questionnaire 2023 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Jonathan Hall - summary of expenses from 2019 Q1 (pdf 0.7MB)
- julia-black
- liz-oakes
- marjorie-ngwenya
- martin-pluves
- megan-greene
- nathan-monk
- nathanael-benjamin
- niamh-moloney
- Organogram (pdf 0.1MB)
- alex-brazier
- andrew-hauser
- Andy Haldane - Questionnaire 2020 (pdf 0.6MB)
- Andy Haldane's Annual Report 2015 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Andy Haldane's Annual Report 2017 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Andy Haldane's Annual Report 2018 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Andy Haldane's Annual Report 2019 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Andy Haldane - CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Andy Haldane - CV June 2020 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Andy Haldane - Questionnaire 2013 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Andy Haldane - Questionnaire 2014 (pdf 0.3MB)
- anil-kashyap
- anthony-habgood
- bradley-fried
- charles-bean
- clara-furse
- david-miles
- david-rule
- donald-kohn
- Elisabeth Stheeman - CV (pdf 0.5MB)
- Elisabeth Stheeman - diary from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Elisabeth Stheeman - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Elisabeth Stheeman - diary, entertainment and gifts 2019 Q1 - Q4 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Elisabeth Stheeman - Questionnaire 2018 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Elisabeth Stheeman - summary of expenses from 2019 Q1 (pdf 3.9MB)
- gareth-ramsay
- Gertjan Vlieghe's Annual Report 2016 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Gertjan Vlieghe's Annual Report 2019 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Gertjan Vlieghe's Annual Report 2020 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Gertjan Vlieghe's Annual Report 2017 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Gertjan Vlieghe - CV 2015 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Gertjan Vlieghe - CV 2018 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Gertjan Vlieghe - Questionnaire 2015 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Gertjan Vlieghe - Questionnaire 2018 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ian McCafferty's Annual Report 2013 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ian McCafferty's Annual Report 2014 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Ian McCafferty's Annual Report 2016 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Ian McCafferty's Annual Report 2017 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Ian McCafferty - CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Ian McCafferty - Questionnaire 2012 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Ian McCafferty - Questionnaire 2015 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe's Annual Report 2014 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe's Annual Report 2016 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe's Annual Report 2017 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe Annual Report 2018 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe - CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe - diary from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe - diary, entertainment and gifts 2019 Q1 - Q4 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe - Questionnaire 2013 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe - Questionnaire 2018 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Sir Jon Cunliffe - summary of expenses from 2019 Q1 (pdf 5.4MB)
- jonathan-curtiss
- Jonathan Haskel's Annual Report 2019 (pdf 0.6MB)
- Jonathan Haskel - CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Jonathan Haskel - diary from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Jonathan Haskel - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Jonathan Haskel - diary, entertainment and gifts 2019 Q1 - Q4 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Jonathan Haskel - Questionnaire 2018 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Jonathan Haskel - summary of expenses from 2019 Q1 (pdf 1.2MB)
- Jonathan Haskel's Annual Report for the Treasury Select Committee (pdf 0.6MB)
- kristin-forbes
- Mark Carney's Annual Report 2014 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Mark Carney's Annual Report 2015 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Mark Carney's Annual Report 2016 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Mark Carney's Annual Report 2018 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Mark Carney's Annual Report 2019 (pdf 0.8MB)
- Mark Carney's Annual Report 2020 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Opening Statement by Mark Carney to Economic Affairs Committee 2013 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Opening Statement by Mark Carney to Economic Affairs Committee 2015 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Opening Statement by Mark Carney to Lords Economic Affairs Committee 2016 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Mark Carney - Questionnaire 2013 (pdf 0.3MB)
- martin-taylor
- Martin Weale's Annual Report 2011 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Martin Weale's Annual Report 2012 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Martin Weale Annual Report - 2013 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Martin Weale's Annual Report 2014 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Martin Weale's additional information 2014 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Martin Weale's Annual Report 2015 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Martin Weale's Annual Report 2016 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Martin Weale - Questionnaire 2010 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Martin Weale - Questionnaire 2013 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Michael Saunders Annual Report 2017 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Michael Saunders Annual Report 2018 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Michael Saunders Annual Report 2020 (pdf 0.5MB)
- Michael Saunders - CV (pdf 0.1MB)
- Michael Saunders - CV 2019 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Michael Saunders - Questionnaire 2016 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Michael Saunders - Questionnaire 2019 (pdf 0.1MB)
- minouche-shafik
- paul-fisher
- Randall Kroszner - diary from 2022/23 Q4 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Randall Kroszner - summary of expenses from 2022/23 Q4 (pdf 0.7MB)
- Randall Krozner - entertainment and gifts 2022/23 Q4 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Randy Kroszner CV (pdf 0.2MB)
- Letter from Randy Kroszner to TSC (pdf 0.1MB)
- Randy Kroszner questionnaire (pdf 0.2MB)
- rebecca-jackson
- richard-sharp
- ron-kalifa
- ruth-smith
- sabine-chalmers
- sam-woods
- sandra-boss
- Sarah Breeden CV (pdf 0.6MB)
- Sarah Breeden CV 2023 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Sarah Breeden - diary from 2021 Q2 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sarah Breeden - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Sarah Breeden - TSC questionnaire (pdf 0.4MB)
- Sarah Breeden questionnaire 2023 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Sarah Breeden - summary of expenses from 2019 Q1 (pdf 0.9MB)
- sarah-john
- sasha-mills
- Silvana Tenreyro's Annual Report 2018 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro Annual Report 2020 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro's Annual Report 2021 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro - CV (pdf 4.1MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro CV 2020 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro - diary from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro - entertainment and gifts from 2020 Q1 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro - Questionnaire 2017 (pdf 0.3MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro - Reappointment Questionnaire 2020 (pdf 0.6MB)
- Silvana Tenreyro - summary of expenses from 2019 Q1 (pdf 3.9MB)
- sonya-branch
- stephen-brown
- sushil-saluja
- swati-dhingra
- tanya-castell
- tom-shropshire
- victoria-cleland
- victoria-saporta
- vivienne-grafton
- prc
- Regional agencies privacy notice (pdf 0.1MB)
- Regional agencies privacy notice Welsh (pdf 0.1MB)
- Register of interests (pdf 0.2MB)
- Supplier Code of Practice (pdf 0.8MB)
- Cymerwch gipolwg agosach (pdf 5.1MB)
- Terms and conditions of the provision of goods and/or services (pdf 0.3MB)
- Y Papur £10 Newydd (pdf 1.2MB)
- Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg y Bank of England – adroddiad monitro 2016 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Cynllun Iaith Gymraeg Banc Lloegr - adroddiad monitro 2017 (pdf 0.1MB)
- Cynllun Gymraeg y Bank of England - adroddiad monitro 2019 (pdf 0.4MB)
- Cynllun Cymraeg y Bank of England - adroddiad monitro 2022 (pdf 0.2MB)
- 2025
- Memorandum of Understanding between AFM and DNB and Bank regarding Cooperation for the Supervision (pdf 0.5MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank and Banca d’Italia and CONSOB * (pdf 1.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank and the CFTC for supervision of cross border clearing (pdf 2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank and Finanstilsynet, Danmarks Nationalbank, (pdf 1.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme Ltd - July 2022 (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme Ltd (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank and Guernsey Financial Services Commission (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England and De Nederlandsche Bank and Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten (pdf 9.9MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between the Austrian and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Banco de Portugal and UK Authorities for the purposes of supervisory cooperation (pdf 0.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the National Bank of Belgium and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between The Bulgarian National Bank and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.9MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Central Bank of Cyprus and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Czech National Bank and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation and Information Exchange between the European Banking Authority, the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (pdf 0.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding for supervisory cooperation between the European Central Bank and the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Finantsinspektsioon (Estonia) and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Finnish and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the ACPR and the UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between the Bundesanstalt fu r Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between The Magyar Nemzeti Bank (the Central Bank of Hungary) and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between Fja rma laeftirlitið (Iceland) and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between the Central Bank of Ireland and the UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of Italy and UK supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding for supervisory cooperation between the Financial and Capital Market Commission and the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Republic of Lithuania and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding for supervisory cooperation between the Malta Financial Services Authority and the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (pdf 0.9MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding on supervisory cooperation between the supervisory authorities of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and The Netherlands (pdf 0.9MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between Finanstilsynet (Norway) and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego (Poland) and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, the FCA, the Payment Systems Regulator and the PRA (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between National Bank of Romania and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Narodna banka Slovenska and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.7MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between Banco de Espana and the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (pdf 0.8MB)
- Supervisory cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between Finansinspektionen (Sweden) and the UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of Greece and the UK banking authorities (pdf 0.9MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of Slovenia and the UK banking authorities (pdf 0.9MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, PRA and the Australian Securities and Investments (pdf 0.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, PRA and Canada Deposit Insurance Corp (CDIC) (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, PRA and the Canadian Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (pdf 0.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, including the PRA, and the FCA (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, PRA and Guernsey Financial Services Commission * (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, PRA and Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission * (pdf 0.5MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, PRA and Quebec AFM (pdf 2.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, PRA and the Monetary Authority of Singapore * (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, including the PRA, HM Treasury and the FCA (pdf 0.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, PRA, the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures (pdf 0.6MB)
- Memorandum of understanding between Bank UK and BRSA Turkey (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (pdf 1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and Deutsche Bundesbank concerning cooperation and the exchange of information related to the supervision of Eurex Clearing AG (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank and Hong Kong SAR (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England and Reserve Bank of India (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Cayman Islands Monetary Authority & PRA on information sharing * (pdf 1.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Central Bank of Ireland and Bank of England * (pdf 1.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission concerning cooperation and the exchange of information related to the supervision of cross-border clearing organizations (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank of England and the CMA to improve collaboration (pdf 0.3MB)
- Cooperation arrangement between the Bank of England and the Single Resolution Board (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between DFID, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Bank of England (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation and Information Exchange between the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (pdf 7.4MB)
- Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding on Supervisory Cooperation and Exchange of Information between each EEA Authority, the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (pdf 4.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding Related to ESMA's Monitoring of the Ongoing Compliance with Recognition Conditions by CSDs established in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between ESMA and the Bank of England to set out arrangements for cooperation on the monitoring and supervision of CCPs established in the UK (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Financial Conduct Authority and the Bank of England (exercising its prudential regulation functions) (pdf 0.9MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Financial Conduct Authority and the PRA (pdf 1.7MB)
- Annexes for the FCA/PRA MoU (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the FCA and the PRA re: supervision of with-profits policies (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the FDIC and the PRA concerning consultation, cooperation and (pdf 1.6MB)
- Financial relationship between HM Treasury and the Bank of England Memorandum of Understanding (pdf 0.2MB)
- Financial relationship between HM Treasury and the Bank of England: memorandum of understanding (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the financial supervisory authorities, central banks and finance (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding concerning cooperation and the exchange of information related to the supervision of LCH SA and areas of common supervisory interest relating to both LCH SA and LCH Ltd as sister entities (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of understanding between HM Treasury, the Bank of England, the Prudential Regulation Authority and the equivalence and exemptions (pdf 0.8MB)
- IAIS – Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding – Insurance (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding: Inclusion of insurance organisations within the scope of the OFSI (pdf 0.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Maryland Insurance Administration and the PRA (pdf 3.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Bank, including the PRA, and HM Treasury re: Financial Crisis Management (pdf 0.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the National Bank of Belgium (NBB) and the Bank of England (BOE) on the co-operation & communication framework regarding the oversight and supervision of Euroclear Bank (EB) (pdf 0.8MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Croatian National Bank (Hrvatska narodna banka) and UK banking supervisory authorities (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal Reserve Board, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between FMSB, the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of understanding between the Competition and Markets Authority, the Bank of England and the Prudential Regulation Authority for regulatory coordination under Part 1 of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Act (2024) (pdf 0.2MB)
- MoU between the FCA and the Bank of England (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding for the handling of temporary data truncation issues during the chaps iso 20022 migration (pdf 0.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding on resolution planning and financial crisis management - Oct 2017 (pdf 0.2MB)
- Multilateral Arrangement for Regulatory, Supervisory and Oversight Co-operation on ICE Clear Europe (pdf 0.5MB)
- Multilateral Arrangement for Regulatory Supervisory and Oversight Cooperation on LCH.Clearnet Ltd (pdf 0.3MB)
- Multilateral Arrangement for Regulatory, Supervisory and Oversight Co-operation on LME Clear Limited (pdf 0.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the National Audit Office and the Bank of England (pdf 0.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Nebraska State Insurance Department and the PRA * (pdf 1.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the New York State Insurance Department and the PRA (pdf 3.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Dubai Financial Services Authority update (pdf 0.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and FINMA (previously the Swiss Federal Banking (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and FINMA (previously Swiss Office of Private Insurance) (pdf 1.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and FINRA * (pdf 1.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and the (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and Jersey Financial Services Commission (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and Mexico (Comision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores) (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Bank of Korea (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and Bermuda Monetary Authority * (pdf 0.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Central Bank of Brazil (pdf 2.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Dubai Financial Services Authority * (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Financial Reporting Council (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Financial Services Compensation Scheme Ltd (pdf 1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation * (pdf 3.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and The Insurance Authority of The Hong Kong Special (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Isle of Man Insurance and Pensions Authority * (pdf 1.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and Jersey Financial Services Commission * (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the New York State Banking Department (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and The Pensions Regulator (pdf 0.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Reserve Bank of India * (pdf 3.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the South African Reserve Bank * (pdf 2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission * (pdf 0.1MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the US New Jersey Department of Banking and (pdf 4.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA and the State of Michigan Office of Financial and (pdf 4.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding on PRA - Supervision of Managing Agents (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the PRA, the US Federal Reserve Board, OCC and the FDIC (pdf 0.4MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Korea Financial Supervisory Commission (pdf 1.6MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Korea Financial Services Commission & Financial (pdf 0.3MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding on resolution planning and financial crisis management (October 2017) (pdf 0.2MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding between South African Financial Services Board, PRA and the Bank (pdf 0.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding concerning the supervision of Eurex Clearing AG between the Bank, BaFIN (pdf 1.7MB)
- Memorandum of Understanding regarding supervision of LCH Clearnet between UK and Swiss Authorities (pdf 1.2MB)
- Supplemental provisions to MoU between the PRA and the Guernsey Financial Services Commission dated (pdf 0.6MB)