UK Withdrawal from the EU: The Bank of England’s approach to resolution statements of policy and onshored Binding Technical Standards

Update 28 February 2019: The Bank and PRA issued near-final policy following this consultation, details are available on the dedicated EU withdrawal webpage.
Published on 25 October 2018

This Consultation Paper (CP) is published as part of the Bank’s consultation package on amending financial services legislation under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (the Act). CP25/18 ‘The Bank of England’s approach to amending financial services legislation under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act provides the Bank’s general approach to addressing deficiencies in onshored Binding Technical Standards and to non-binding EU materials, including EBA Guidelines. The two documents should be read together.

This consultation closed on Wednesday 2 January 2019. The Bank invites feedback on the proposals set out in this consultation. Please address any comments or enquiries to:

The CP including the Appendix runs to 43 pages. To be helpful to readers, we have included a complete and split version of the CP below.

PDFConsultation Paper - complete version  

PDFConsultation Paper - split version
