Data and analytics

Data and analytics are at the core of our work

What we do

Almost everything we do at the Bank of England depends on data and analytics. 

Data and Analytics Transformation (DAT) helps the Bank make the best use of data and analytics to fulfil its mission.  
DAT is also responsible for the compilation, dissemination and publication of regulatory and statistical data. It uses data science expertise to help the Bank excel as a leading research and analytics institution. And it provides tools, platforms, services, training and specialist support to help colleagues use data and analytics.

Our work is supported by three areas:

  • Advanced Analytics is the centre of excellence for advanced analytical techniques and data science, including machine learning, natural language processing, and big data.

    We use data science expertise to help the Bank excel as a leading research and analytics institution. We answer varied policy questions, meet computational challenges of big or complex data, and help areas across the Bank unlock greater insights from ever more data.

  • Our mission is to efficiently deliver statistics and data services that enable Bank staff, policy makers, international organisations and society more broadly to understand the financial system and make informed decisions.

    We collect, quality assure, and analyse data via 35 statistical collections and over 200 regulatory collections, equating to more than 1 billion data points per year.

  • Data Strategy Implementation Division helps the Bank make the best use of D&A to fulfil its mission.

    We lead the Bank in defining and implementing its D&A strategy. We also directly enable colleagues to use data, by providing many of the central D&A tools, platforms, services, training and specialist support.

Join our team

Our colleagues come from diverse backgrounds including physics, computer science, linguistics, and psychology. The projects we work on are equally diverse but there is a common theme among them all. We apply our expertise in data science, natural language processing, and machine learning to better understand and explain data. 

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This page was last updated 12 July 2024