Other digitised content
- Banking Act Report 1987/8 - 1997/8
- Bank of England stock collection
- Daily Account Books 1851-1983
- Diaries of Bonamy Dobree 1857-61
- Directors' Annual Lists 1694-1950
- Freshfields Prison Correspondence 1781-1840
- Gold and Silver ‘Daily Prices’ book, 1908 - 1923
- Historical United Kingdom Overseas Investments 1938-58
- Index to Original Subscribers to Bank Stock 1694
- Letters to the Bank of England from William Pitt the Younger, 1785 - 1805
- Montagu Norman Diaries
- Practical issues arising from the euro
- Statistical Summary 1927-45
- Statistics illustrating the workings of the accounts of the Bank of England
- The Old Lady - War Memorial Supplement, 1939-45
Archive publications
A variety of historic published material produced by the Bank of England during the twentieth century including recruitment brochures, histories of the Bank of England and the Bank Picquet - see our archive publications.