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Date Quarterly changes of UK resident monetary financial institutions' US Dollar total lending to non-resident Non-financial corporations (in US dollar millions) not seasonally adjusted

31 Mar 19 -425
30 Jun 19 796
30 Sep 19 391
31 Dec 19 -4029
31 Mar 20 13610
30 Jun 20 -2933
30 Sep 20 4115
31 Dec 20 670
31 Mar 21 -10142
30 Jun 21 -14835
30 Sep 21 1868
31 Dec 21 11452
31 Mar 22 -5668
30 Jun 22 -15386
30 Sep 22 9283
31 Dec 22 -12777
31 Mar 23 -11399
30 Jun 23 -5246
30 Sep 23 -6541
31 Dec 23 4706
31 Mar 24 -8887

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