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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency foreign claims (by immediate borrower) on non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Maldives not seasonally adjusted

30 Sep 15 424
31 Dec 15 446
31 Mar 16 411
30 Jun 16 372
30 Sep 16 355
31 Dec 16 344
31 Mar 17 331
30 Jun 17 316
30 Sep 17 327
31 Dec 17 295
31 Mar 18 410
30 Jun 18 412
30 Sep 18 411
31 Dec 18 386
31 Mar 19 416
30 Jun 19 363
30 Sep 19 357
31 Dec 19 452
31 Mar 20 500
30 Jun 20 509
30 Sep 20 468
31 Dec 20 509
31 Mar 21 550
30 Jun 21 535
30 Sep 21 534
31 Dec 21 530
31 Mar 22 538
30 Jun 22 497
30 Sep 22 477
31 Dec 22 462
31 Mar 23 513
30 Jun 23 483
30 Sep 23 483
31 Dec 23 484
31 Mar 24 452

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