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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency foreign claims (by immediate borrower) on non-resident non-bank private sector (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Maldives not seasonally adjusted

30 Sep 15 261
31 Dec 15 280
31 Mar 16 231
30 Jun 16 334
30 Sep 16 203
31 Dec 16 188
31 Mar 17 289
30 Jun 17 284
30 Sep 17 264
31 Dec 17 220
31 Mar 18 260
30 Jun 18 275
30 Sep 18 254
31 Dec 18 255
31 Mar 19 231
30 Jun 19 239
30 Sep 19 241
31 Dec 19 268
31 Mar 20 267
30 Jun 20 290
30 Sep 20 293
31 Dec 20 300
31 Mar 21 313
30 Jun 21 398
30 Sep 21 321
31 Dec 21 318
31 Mar 22 322
30 Jun 22 297
30 Sep 22 286
31 Dec 22 294
31 Mar 23 336
30 Jun 23 300
30 Sep 23 304
31 Dec 23 301
31 Mar 24 290

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