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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency credit commitments (by ultimate risk) given to non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis developed countries not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b]
31 Mar 10 235807
30 Jun 10 255012
30 Sep 10 269073
31 Dec 10 284473
31 Mar 11 286006
30 Jun 11 286633
30 Sep 11 288757
31 Dec 11 293567
31 Mar 12 278058
30 Jun 12 259029
30 Sep 12 297059
31 Dec 12 360493
31 Mar 13 353324
30 Jun 13 358939
30 Sep 13 378421
31 Dec 13 366672
31 Mar 14 393880
30 Jun 14 398447
30 Sep 14 390469
31 Dec 14 396574
31 Mar 15 460766
30 Jun 15 471673
30 Sep 15 411479
31 Dec 15 433027
31 Mar 16 427346
30 Jun 16 397124
30 Sep 16 416880
31 Dec 16 405995
31 Mar 17 417265
30 Jun 17 434706
30 Sep 17 449331
31 Dec 17 536643
31 Mar 18 556556
30 Jun 18 554605
30 Sep 18 593137
31 Dec 18 630490
31 Mar 19 670642
30 Jun 19 677229
30 Sep 19 687083
31 Dec 19 657274
31 Mar 20 632239
30 Jun 20 662431
30 Sep 20 692712
31 Dec 20 693405
31 Mar 21 711471
30 Jun 21 712009
30 Sep 21 702349
31 Dec 21 674506
31 Mar 22 695052
30 Jun 22 722143
30 Sep 22 687054
31 Dec 22 703079
31 Mar 23 718189
30 Jun 23 737709
30 Sep 23 744198
31 Dec 23 772464
31 Mar 24 777404

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[a] Ultimate risk is calculated as: Total foreign claims on an immediate borrower basis minus Outward risk transfers plus Inward risk transfers

[b] For Q1 2011 and periods back to Q1 2010, amounts outstanding now exclude previously incorrectly identified other credit commitments vis-a-vis the USA. Data for earlier periods will be revised on to a consistent basis upon receipt of further new information (31 Mar 2010 - 31 Mar 2011)