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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency local claims (by ultimate risk) on non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Jordan not seasonally adjusted

31 Mar 10 1532
30 Jun 10 1496
30 Sep 10 1470
31 Dec 10 1468
31 Mar 11 1462
30 Jun 11 1468
30 Sep 11 1390
31 Dec 11 1238
31 Mar 12 1290
30 Jun 12 1250
30 Sep 12 1113
31 Dec 12 ..
31 Mar 13 ..
30 Jun 13 1189
30 Sep 13 1234
31 Dec 13 ..
31 Mar 14 1110
30 Jun 14 222
30 Sep 14 233
31 Dec 14 222
31 Mar 15 211
30 Jun 15 211
30 Sep 15 220
31 Dec 15 227
31 Mar 16 148
30 Jun 16 184
30 Sep 16 155
31 Dec 16 188
31 Mar 17 328
30 Jun 17 534
30 Sep 17 581
31 Dec 17 569
31 Mar 18 602
30 Jun 18 581
30 Sep 18 583
31 Dec 18 524
31 Mar 19 589
30 Jun 19 677
30 Sep 19 630
31 Dec 19 576
31 Mar 20 473
30 Jun 20 471
30 Sep 20 443
31 Dec 20 414
31 Mar 21 419
30 Jun 21 499
30 Sep 21 414
31 Dec 21 446
31 Mar 22 392
30 Jun 22 425
30 Sep 22 391
31 Dec 22 379
31 Mar 23 355
30 Jun 23 331
30 Sep 23 2
31 Dec 23 1
31 Mar 24 0

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