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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency foreign claims (by ultimate risk) on non-resident banks (excl. CMIs) (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Bahrain not seasonally adjusted

31 Mar 10 1853
30 Jun 10 1791
30 Sep 10 1404
31 Dec 10 1324
31 Mar 11 1451
30 Jun 11 1978
30 Sep 11 2239
31 Dec 11 2225
31 Mar 12 2445
30 Jun 12 1783
30 Sep 12 1502
31 Dec 12 1832
31 Mar 13 1644
30 Jun 13 1254
30 Sep 13 1049
31 Dec 13 1233
31 Mar 14 1432
30 Jun 14 783
30 Sep 14 1278
31 Dec 14 1751
31 Mar 15 2036
30 Jun 15 2279
30 Sep 15 2984
31 Dec 15 1781
31 Mar 16 1550
30 Jun 16 1638
30 Sep 16 1190
31 Dec 16 1480
31 Mar 17 1490
30 Jun 17 1257
30 Sep 17 1173
31 Dec 17 1469
31 Mar 18 1239
30 Jun 18 648
30 Sep 18 601
31 Dec 18 633
31 Mar 19 1243
30 Jun 19 1609
30 Sep 19 1440
31 Dec 19 1601
31 Mar 20 2304
30 Jun 20 2310
30 Sep 20 2154
31 Dec 20 1881
31 Mar 21 2072
30 Jun 21 2031
30 Sep 21 2346
31 Dec 21 2379
31 Mar 22 2378
30 Jun 22 2577
30 Sep 22 2570
31 Dec 22 3224
31 Mar 23 2756
30 Jun 23 3096
30 Sep 23 4668
31 Dec 23 4045
31 Mar 24 2541

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