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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency foreign claims (by ultimate risk) on non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis United States not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f]
31 Mar 10 1219585
30 Jun 10 1178819
30 Sep 10 1132116
31 Dec 10 1095468
31 Mar 11 1104611
30 Jun 11 1124405
30 Sep 11 1134022
31 Dec 11 1090484
31 Mar 12 1121687
30 Jun 12 1046396
30 Sep 12 1081000
31 Dec 12 1080697
31 Mar 13 989328
30 Jun 13 1086188
30 Sep 13 1030698
31 Dec 13 961078
31 Mar 14 1000097
30 Jun 14 976796
30 Sep 14 958648
31 Dec 14 964971
31 Mar 15 960926
30 Jun 15 902683
30 Sep 15 774000
31 Dec 15 728612
31 Mar 16 723653
30 Jun 16 780245
30 Sep 16 712134
31 Dec 16 692460
31 Mar 17 766201
30 Jun 17 805328
30 Sep 17 844302
31 Dec 17 865226
31 Mar 18 915273
30 Jun 18 872470
30 Sep 18 852619
31 Dec 18 856529
31 Mar 19 913248
30 Jun 19 956580
30 Sep 19 977120
31 Dec 19 938403
31 Mar 20 1112503
30 Jun 20 1047214
30 Sep 20 1034343
31 Dec 20 1022389
31 Mar 21 1076401
30 Jun 21 1109882
30 Sep 21 1149782
31 Dec 21 1157181
31 Mar 22 1177404
30 Jun 22 1130158
30 Sep 22 1126626
31 Dec 22 1119970
31 Mar 23 1221458
30 Jun 23 1314444
30 Sep 23 1321955
31 Dec 23 1345686
31 Mar 24 1443972

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[a] Ultimate risk is calculated as: Total foreign claims on an immediate borrower basis minus Outward risk transfers plus Inward risk transfers

[b] For Q1 2011 and periods back to Q1 2008, amounts outstanding now include previously unidentified local claims on the USA public sector (31 Mar 2008 - 31 Mar 2011)

[c] Due to reporting improvements in the country allocation of total foreign claims approximately $10 billion has been reallocated from Jersey to the United States. (31 Mar 2014)

[d] Due to business restructuring at one reporting institution total foreign claims on the USA were reduced by approximately $135bn. (30 Sep 2015)

[e] Due to improvements in reporting, the amounts outstanding have increased by approximately $21bn in Q1 2017. (31 Mar 2017)

[f] Due to improvements in reporting, the amounts outstanding have increased by approximately $20bn in Q2 2017. (30 Jun 2017)