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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency foreign claims (by ultimate risk) on non-residents (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis developed countries not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [c]
31 Mar 10 2671819
30 Jun 10 2611641
30 Sep 10 2694858
31 Dec 10 2528951
31 Mar 11 2604162
30 Jun 11 2627099
30 Sep 11 2639069
31 Dec 11 2505256
31 Mar 12 2697460
30 Jun 12 2556710
30 Sep 12 2537962
31 Dec 12 2541564
31 Mar 13 2337516
30 Jun 13 2391413
30 Sep 13 2349455
31 Dec 13 2226332
31 Mar 14 2253246
30 Jun 14 2208631
30 Sep 14 2093475
31 Dec 14 2044316
31 Mar 15 1979390
30 Jun 15 1901886
30 Sep 15 1761801
31 Dec 15 1678179
31 Mar 16 1717960
30 Jun 16 1800532
30 Sep 16 1726743
31 Dec 16 1661648
31 Mar 17 1798303
30 Jun 17 1906363
30 Sep 17 1965253
31 Dec 17 2013706
31 Mar 18 2103736
30 Jun 18 2012580
30 Sep 18 2009038
31 Dec 18 1954316
31 Mar 19 2043873
30 Jun 19 2095960
30 Sep 19 2094908
31 Dec 19 2060941
31 Mar 20 2301129
30 Jun 20 2278226
30 Sep 20 2353195
31 Dec 20 2403744
31 Mar 21 2440775
30 Jun 21 2473637
30 Sep 21 2495950
31 Dec 21 2488853
31 Mar 22 2535629
30 Jun 22 2437012
30 Sep 22 2388545
31 Dec 22 2433677
31 Mar 23 2562591
30 Jun 23 2712297
30 Sep 23 2710527
31 Dec 23 2774992
31 Mar 24 2782020

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[a] Ultimate risk is calculated as: Total foreign claims on an immediate borrower basis minus Outward risk transfers plus Inward risk transfers

[b] For Q1 2011 and periods back to Q1 2008, amounts outstanding now include previously unidentified local claims on the USA public sector (31 Mar 2008 - 31 Mar 2011)

[c] In accordance with BIS guidelines, Estonia has been reclassified from Developing Europe to European Developed. All quarterly data has been updated to reflect these changes. (31 Mar 2011)