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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of consolidated UK-owned monetary financial institutions' (excl. Central Bank) sterling and all foreign currency foreign claims (by ultimate risk) on Non-financial corporations (in US dollar millions) vis-a-vis Chile not seasonally adjusted

31 Mar 14 1876
30 Jun 14 1935
30 Sep 14 1842
31 Dec 14 1846
31 Mar 15 1617
30 Jun 15 1611
30 Sep 15 1510
31 Dec 15 1234
31 Mar 16 1114
30 Jun 16 1137
30 Sep 16 1069
31 Dec 16 989
31 Mar 17 1027
30 Jun 17 824
30 Sep 17 832
31 Dec 17 840
31 Mar 18 754
30 Jun 18 743
30 Sep 18 781
31 Dec 18 692
31 Mar 19 817
30 Jun 19 759
30 Sep 19 719
31 Dec 19 557
31 Mar 20 495
30 Jun 20 665
30 Sep 20 657
31 Dec 20 601
31 Mar 21 584
30 Jun 21 500
30 Sep 21 384
31 Dec 21 321
31 Mar 22 451
30 Jun 22 483
30 Sep 22 823
31 Dec 22 1073
31 Mar 23 1109
30 Jun 23 945
30 Sep 23 951
31 Dec 23 1036
31 Mar 24 1182

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