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Date Quarterly changes of other lenders sterling net lending (historical measure) to individuals (in sterling millions) not seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [c]
31 Mar 10 -422
30 Jun 10 -599
30 Sep 10 -2398
31 Dec 10 -1124
31 Mar 11 710
30 Jun 11 846
30 Sep 11 -420
31 Dec 11 -317
31 Mar 12 2611
30 Jun 12 3284
30 Sep 12 1375
31 Dec 12 2408
31 Mar 13 2902
30 Jun 13 4369
30 Sep 13 1935
31 Dec 13 2421
31 Mar 14 2904
30 Jun 14 4834
30 Sep 14 2002
31 Dec 14 3470
31 Mar 15 5645
30 Jun 15 6948
30 Sep 15 3390
31 Dec 15 4748
31 Mar 16 7266
30 Jun 16 7710
30 Sep 16 2773
31 Dec 16 4653
31 Mar 17 6524
30 Jun 17 9695
30 Sep 17 6442
31 Dec 17 7963
31 Mar 18 8780
30 Jun 18 11772
30 Sep 18 6439
31 Dec 18 6957
31 Mar 19 9820
30 Jun 19 11439
30 Sep 19 6373
31 Dec 19 8423
31 Mar 20 8557
30 Jun 20 6428
30 Sep 20 7180
31 Dec 20 8817
31 Mar 21 7086
30 Jun 21 13001
30 Sep 21 5847
31 Dec 21 6482
31 Mar 22 9284
30 Jun 22 12644
30 Sep 22 5096
31 Dec 22 5374
31 Mar 23 8379

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[a] As a result of the changes to Table A5.6, the Bank of England has merged the previously separate data on total lending to individuals by other specialist lenders, retailers and "other" lenders into one category "other lenders", from Q4 2006 onwards. The separate series up to and including Q3 2006 data will not be revised anymore but will be available from the Bank's Statistical Interactive Database.

[b] This series is updated annually following the publication of relevant data by The Student Loans Company. An alternative measure, excluding student loans, is published each month. The equivalent series reference is available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/documents/iadb/notesiadb/mappingdoc.pdf. Further information can be found in Bankstats, July 2012, 'A new measure of consumer credit', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1jul12.pdf.

[c] Mortgage Style Loans are no longer included in this series from April 2013 following their sale to a third party. For more information, see www.slc.co.uk/official-statistics.aspx.