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Date Quarterly amounts outstanding of monetary financial institutions' sterling net lending to other financial corporations (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [h] [i]
31 Mar 10 907526
30 Jun 10 888039
30 Sep 10 847474
31 Dec 10 805924
31 Mar 11 811006
30 Jun 11 820382
30 Sep 11 807475
31 Dec 11 761999
31 Mar 12 723126
30 Jun 12 690330
30 Sep 12 686751
31 Dec 12 715955
31 Mar 13 697156
30 Jun 13 678457
30 Sep 13 701118
31 Dec 13 645956
31 Mar 14 605499
30 Jun 14 588300
30 Sep 14 584469
31 Dec 14 566603
31 Mar 15 555391
30 Jun 15 543876
30 Sep 15 545567
31 Dec 15 536012
31 Mar 16 546727
30 Jun 16 562485
30 Sep 16 562385
31 Dec 16 568049
31 Mar 17 607696
30 Jun 17 635074
30 Sep 17 654230
31 Dec 17 650335
31 Mar 18 636468
30 Jun 18 639433
30 Sep 18 637911
31 Dec 18 643060
31 Mar 19 653402
30 Jun 19 649658
30 Sep 19 690738
31 Dec 19 711176
31 Mar 20 746526
30 Jun 20 747111
30 Sep 20 738261
31 Dec 20 722523
31 Mar 21 685038
30 Jun 21 705310
30 Sep 21 687910
31 Dec 21 713556
31 Mar 22 725588
30 Jun 22 712842
30 Sep 22 733753
31 Dec 22 684795
31 Mar 23 650082
30 Jun 23 642654
30 Sep 23 630277
31 Dec 23 651621
31 Mar 24 651861

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[a] This series is constructed from monthly data from June 2009 and after examination the monthly series was found not to be significantly seasonal. This series will, however, be reviewed regularly.

[b] Please note that the compilation and descriptions of some credit series have changed from publication of April 2015 data, as described in Bankstats, April 2015, 'Changes to the treatment of loan transfers and lending to housing associations', available at www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/Documents/ms/articles/art1apr15.pdf.

[c] As a result of accounting changes at some institutions, the amount outstanding of this series has decreased by £15bn. The movement has been adjusted out of the flows for Q1 2010. (31 Mar 2010)

[d] Due to changes to reporting of securitised loans, along with related liabilities, the amount outstanding of this series has increased by £1bn. The movement has been adjusted out of the flows for Q1 2010. For further details please see http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/statistics/documents/ms/articles/art1feb10.pdf. (31 Mar 2010)

[e] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding decreased by £3bn.  This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for Q1 2011. (31 Jan 2011 - 31 Mar 2011)

[f] Due to a change in the reporting population, this series has increased by £2bn. The effect has been adjusted out of the flows for December 2012. (31 Dec 2012)

[g] Due to a restructuring at one reporting institution, the amounts outstanding decreased by £3bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for November 2013. (30 Nov 2013)

[h] Due to a restructuring at one reporting institution, the amounts outstanding decreased by £3bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for November 2013. (30 Nov 2013)

[i] Due to improvements in reporting at one institution, the amounts outstanding increased by £2bn. This effect has been adjusted out of the flows for March 2015. (31 Mar 2015)