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Date Quarterly changes of mutual institutions sterling time deposits, repos and CDs from household sector (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
31 Mar 10 958
30 Jun 10 1252
30 Sep 10 -1138
31 Dec 10 299
31 Mar 11 2382
30 Jun 11 759
30 Sep 11 276
31 Dec 11 -147
31 Mar 12 -1695
30 Jun 12 -1390
30 Sep 12 405
31 Dec 12 -3882
31 Mar 13 -3804
30 Jun 13 -1366
30 Sep 13 -2820

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[a] From Q1 2010, this series covers mutual institutions. Previously, this series showed data for building societies. (31 Mar 2010)