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Date Quarterly changes of UK resident banks' (inc. Central Bank) excluding mutuals sterling time deposits, repos and CDs from household sector (in sterling millions) seasonally adjusted
[a] [b] [b] [a] [c]
31 Mar 10 2551
30 Jun 10 -737
30 Sep 10 3522
31 Dec 10 2280
31 Mar 11 1255
30 Jun 11 1948
30 Sep 11 951
31 Dec 11 1494
31 Mar 12 6355
30 Jun 12 1329
30 Sep 12 477
31 Dec 12 -1760
31 Mar 13 -5664
30 Jun 13 -7245
30 Sep 13 -6863

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[a] Excluding TESSA deposits.

[b] Excluding ISA deposits.

[c] From Q1 2010, this series covers Banks excluding mutually owned banks. Previously, this series showed data for banks. (31 Mar 2010)